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UNIDO Projects in detail

Improving public health with solar-powered water sanitation system in Ethiopia

Two environmentally friendly water sanitation systems were introduced in Ethiopia. The project, which was funded by the Government of Japan and implemented by UNIDO in partnership with Government of Ethiopia, demonstrated successful intervention by introducing innovative water sanitation technologies employing dual slow sand and bio-filtration with solar photovoltaics in off grid area of the country. The project created basis for enhanced social equality and economic growth through provision of better health, safety and security as well as job creation contributing for both climate change mitigation and adaptation. The successful model has great potential to be replicated in other regions of Ethiopia.

Developing the Fishery Value Chain in Chabahar

UNIDO, in collaboration with public and private stakeholders has been leading a series of successful interventions relating to providing capacity building activities for the tuna value chain in Chabahar. Through these initiatives, inclusive and sustainable development of the fisheries industry in Chabahar is supported. This documentary provides insights into the collaborative approach and activities that UNIDO has conducted, and how beneficiaries have benefited from these.

UNIDO and Japan: Responding to needs of South Africa‘s waste reclaimers for greener & safer recovery

Helping South Africa’s waste pickers face the COVID-19 crisis and beyond. South Africa has more than 60,000 waste pickers. As one of the most vulnerable communities in the country, they were profoundly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdown. The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) has responded to the situation by working with stakeholders to provide personal protective equipment (PPE) to members of the South African Waste Pickers Association (SAWPA) at four integration sites in the Free State, KwaZulu-Natal, and the Western Cape earlier this year. Sixty per cent of the waste pickers at the four participating sites are women.

UNIDO and Japan: Partnering for South Africa's challenge on plastic litter

UNIDO and Japan join forces to tackle the challenge of marine plastic litter in Africa. UNIDO, as a leading UN agency promoting circular economy and resource efficiency in industry, supports African countries’ challenges to deal with plastic waste leaking to the environment.

Biomass energy for the Albanian olive oil sector

UNIDO is promoting the increase use of biomass in the olive oil industry through technical assistance and demonstrated use of modern bioenergy technologies, capacity building and policy support in Albania. The project is funded by the GEF and implemented in close collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and Environment.

Women's empowerment through fisheries in Ethiopia

UNIDO and Russia have found a way to involve women into fish processing in Ethiopia! Creation of diversified employment opportunities is one of the main goals of our four-year project ‘’Technical and Institutional Capacity Building for increase in production and development of the aquaculture and fisheries value chains in Ethiopia’’. It has a strong skills development component, and therefore enables women to play a bigger role in developing national institutional capacity in this sector. The recently upgraded KEBELE women’s fish market in Bahir Dar will guarantee provision of safe and quality fish products as well as provide decent jobs for women and youth.

MED TEST II: sustainable production in the Southern Mediterranean

The Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technology (TEST) to the industry, is key in stimulating circular economies and to improve patterns of Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) in the Southern Mediterranean. UNIDO, together with local partners, is targeting to strengthen the local capacities in providing SCP services for the industry in Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia. To effectively transform industries in switching to a production that uses less resources, reduces pollution, and can support businesses to manage the transition of becoming more competitive, calls for a change in knowledge, attitudes and practices related to resource consumption in the production.

UNIDO MATCB Project "In Malawi: Buy and eat local"

Malawi: Market access and trade capacity-building support for agro-industrial products (MATCB) project

Linking the tourism industry to productive activities in the Kyrgyz Republic

UNIDO's tourism project, which is funded by the Russian Federation, in the Kyrgyz Republic aims to promote linkages between the tourism sector and targeted productive sectors – the fruit and vegetable processing sector as well as the herbal teas and remedies sector, for example – to stimulate economic growth and employment.

Renewable Energy and Efficiency in Ukraine

The project initiated by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF), aims to develop a market environment for scaling up energy efficiencies and enhanced use of renewable energy technologies for fuel switching in the energy intensive manufacturing small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Ukraine. This serves as a basis for promoting their competitiveness while ensuring an integrated approach for lower carbon intensity and improvement in the local environment.

UNIDO pilot RECP programme in Myanmar

The project aim was to improve industrial resource efficiency and environmental performance of companies and to encourage sustainable industrial development in Myanmar, particularly in the food and hotel sectors. Poor management of natural resources, such as misuse or overconsumption, has intensified overall pollution issues, which need to be addressed. Through the adoption of internationally proven RECP methods enterprises conserved materials, energy and water while reducing waste, effluents and emissions and leading towards positive environmental and social impacts.

PACIR UNIDO project improves competitiveness in Côte d’Ivoire

In 2010, the Government of Côte d’Ivoire and the European Union have signed an agreement for the implementation of the ‘’Programme d’Appui au Commerce et à l’Intégration Régionale’’ (PACIR). In the framework of this programme, UNIDO has been identified for the implementation of the project ‘’Amélioration de la compétitivité des entreprises de secteurs d’exportation non traditionnels’’, known as PACIR UNIDO, with the aim of improving the competitiveness of Ivorian enterprises, building the capacities of support institutions and developing an institutional incentive framework. This video presents the main achievements of the PACIR UNIDO.

Mercury free gold processing in Burkina Faso

Artisanal gold miners around the world traditionally use toxic mercury to recover gold from the ore. A gravitational mercury-free installation in Burkina Faso uses an alternative technology recovering more gold, generating more income and preserving workers’ health and the environment.

A fisherwoman in Myanmar benefits from UNIDO’s food safety approach

UNIDO, in collaboration with the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Myanmar Food Processors and Exporters Association (MFPEA), is implementing a project to strengthen and modernize Myanmar’s national quality infrastructure, as well as to improve food safety-related services for local SMEs. The project was funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad).

Launch of Mashrou3i programme, Phase II

Mashrou3i («mon entreprise» en arabe) est un programme de partenariat public-privé implémenté par l'ONUDI en partenariat avec le gouvernement de la Tunisie avec le soutien et le financement de USAID, l'Italie et HP Foundation. Le programme favorise l'emploi des jeunes grâce à l'entrepreneuriat et le développement des entreprises dans les 14 gouvernorats tunisiens prioritaires : Béja, Gafsa, Gabès, Jendouba, Kairouan, Kasserine, Le Kef, Kébili, Médenine, Sidi Bouzid, Siliana, Tataouine, Tozeur et Zaghouan. Mashrou3i offre des formations innovantes d'entrepreneuriat et un coaching d'affaires intensif pour libérer tout le potentiel du nombre croissant d'entreprises Tunisiennes, pour stimuler la croissance et pour générer de nouvelles opportunités d'emploi pour les jeunes.

Promoting social cohesion and harmony in the host communities of Syrian refugees in Jordan

Stable employment, economic activity and well-functioning institutions are the foundation for peaceful and inclusive societies. Over the years, UNIDO continued to focus its work on creating decent and steady jobs, increased incomes and prosperity, thus helping societies address the root cause of social and economic instability, and reduce migration pressures in countries of origin. Inclusive and sustainable industrial development remains a major factor in providing stability by allowing societies to meet their needs. Efforts aimed at facilitating the livelihood recovery process set the stage for development and lasting peace. In this context, UNIDO considers entrepreneurship, vocational training, and local skills development for unemployed youth and women as necessity.

Chemical Leasing - towards a sustainable future

Chemicals are an integral part of modern life and they are used in a wide variety of products. While chemicals are undoubtedly a significant contributor to national economies, it is of utmost importance to avoid risks to human health and the environment. In this video, we present you a new business model for sustainable chemicals management: Chemical Leasing.

Enhancing Youth Employability and Entrepreneurship in Tanzania

Enhancing Youth Employability and Entrepreneurship in Tanzania

Learning and Knowledge Development Facility (LKDF) Compilation

The Learning and Knowledge Development Facility (LKDF) is a platform to strengthen industrial skills development among young people in emerging economies. It is managed by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) on behalf of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). This video was prepared for the LKDF’s 4th Annual Partners Learning Workshop, which was held from 13th to 14th December 2016 in Casablanca, Morocco. The learning update, told in the own words of the LKDF's partners, explores the idea of finding the mutual interest point for all partners in a Public Private Development Partnership. For more information about the LKDF visit:

Modjo Leather City. An Inclusive and Sustainable Leather District

Within the Programme for Country Partnership Ethiopia (PCP) the leather and leather products industry plays a valuable role in the sustainable industrial development of Ethiopia. UNIDO in synergy with the Leather Industry Development Institute (LIDI) has prepared a feasibility study for the establishment of an organized leather district called “Modjo Leather City” MLC. The concentration of tanneries in a new and modern industrial district allows the elaboration of a common environmental strategy for facing all pollution problems in a cost efficient manner. Furthermore, the district will play a valuable role in enhancing foreign and local direct investments as well as tanneries relocation. This video is a short presentation of the MLC and all its components.

Made in Ethiopia - textiles and apparel for the global market

Within the Programme for Country Partnership Ethiopia (PCP) the textile and apparel sector represents one of the most prominent ones for supporting a sustainable industrial development of Ethiopia. Ethiopia can develop the textile and apparel sector successfully. A high raw materials potential, low wages and low energy costs give it a comparative advantage over other countries and regions. Since 2010 the Ethiopian government has put effort to improve, support and expand the textile industry, both in serving the domestic market, but mainly with the aim to export and be competitive at the global market. This video is a brief presentation of the textile industry in Ethiopia presenting business opportunities offered by the sector.

Vietnam: Promoting green cold chain

This UNIDO project, funded by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) and UNIDO, aims at reducing greenhouse gas emissions by promoting the use of hydrocarbon refrigerants in cold storage facilities in Viet Nam. The new technology generated a relevant energy saving (up to 30%) on top of protecting the environment. The replacement of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFC) with natural refrigerant technologies reduces the environmental impact of food industries and improves their business model.

Protecting the environment and securing palm dates industry in Tunisia

The present project aimed to phase-out the remaining controlled consumption of methyl bromide, ozone depletion substance, in Tunisia’s dates industry. The project secured women’s jobs by providing an adequate training for the alternative technology. The project phased out 6.6 ODP tonnes of methyl bromide, and Tunisia phased out all controlled uses of methyl bromide through this project.

The UNIDO LCET Programme

Low-carbon low-emission technologies (LCETs) have emerged as potential solutions that can simultaneously address three key global challenges of energy poverty, jobs creation and climate change. UNIDO and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (METI) are implementing a collaborative global programme to promote the rapid deployment and dissemination of LCETs through demonstration projects, capacity-building and knowledge management.

UNIDO supports development of small hydro power plants in Nigeria

UNIDO supports development of small hydro power plants in Nigeria.

Clean, sustainable energy for remote rural areas in Côte d'Ivoire - French

Côte d'Ivoire is a country rich in natural resources. After a period of instability it is once again industrializing fast. Small-scale solar projects bring clean, affordable and sustainable power to the whole country so everyone can share the benefits of industrialization. Seven solar power stations have been built across the Zanzan region. The reliable and affordable electricity they supply encourages villagers to set up small businesses. Behind the project is UNIDO, the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation, working with the European Union, the government of Côte d'Ivoire, the Global Environment Fund and local NGO the Akwaba Foundation. Produced by: LINX Productions

Creation of renewable energy-based mini-grid industries in Guinea-Bissau - EN

Installation of 312 kw PV mini-grid hybrid system at Bambadinca Sta Claro, Guinea Bissau. The GEF project "Promoting Renewable Energy Investments in the Electricity Sector of Guinea Bissau" supports the development of an industrial renewable energy policy and action plan. It is implemented by UNIDO in close cooperation with the Ministry of Energy and Industry, the Ministry of Natural Resources, under the umbrella of the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) and TESE; also promoted by SIDS DOCK. The project addresses the existing energy challenges of the country by promoting renewable energy investments in the electricity sector.

UNIDO’s impact on Mozambique’s private sector and quality promotion

With funding from the European Union (EU) and the Government of Austria, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) launched the private sector and quality promotion programme for Mozambique (Competir com Qualidade) in 2012. Thanks to the support received by the project, Mozambican companies and laboratories are trusted, accepted and recognized nationally, regionally and internationally.

Clean, sustainable energy for remote rural areas in Côte d'Ivoire

Cote d’Ivoire is a country rich in natural resources. After a period of instability it is once again industrializing fast. Small-scale solar projects bring clean, affordable and sustainable power to the whole country so everyone can share the benefits of industrialization. Seven solar power stations have been built across the Zanzan region. The reliable and affordable electricity they supply encourages villagers to set up small businesses. Behind the project is UNIDO, the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation, working with the European Union, the government of Cote d’Ivoire, the Global Environment Fund and local NGO the Akwaba Foundation. Produced by: LINX Productions

Global Network of Sustainable Energy Centres - short version

The United Nations Industrial Development Organisation's (UNIDO) mandate is to promote and accelerate sustainable and inclusive industrial development in developing countries and countries in transition. The Climate Policy and Networks Unit (CPN) of the Energy Branch (ENE) is supporting countries in the development and execution of innovative regional programs, projects and multi-stakeholder partnerships in the sustainable energy and climate resilience sector. CPN coordinates the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centres (GN-SEC) in cooperation with regional economic communities and organizations. The expanding South-South multi-stakeholder partnership comprises various centres in Africa, the Caribbean, the Pacific and other regions. The Centres respond to the urgent need for increased regional cooperation and capacities to mitigate existing barriers to renewable energy and energy efficiency investment and markets. They enjoy high-level support from the Energy Ministers and respond to the individual needs of the respective national governments. The Centres complement and strengthen ongoing national activities in the areas of policy and capacity development, knowledge management and awareness-raising, as well as investment and business promotion. There is a common understanding that some “soft barriers” for RE&EE can be addressed more effectively and at a lower cost through regional approaches and methodologies. UNIDO provides key technical services for the establishment and operation of such regional Centres. The network offers a common umbrella for promoting south-south cooperation. Further information is available at

Enhancing the quality of water and food products in Mozambique - Short

In 2012 UNIDO, with funds from the European Union and Government of Austria, launched the Private Sector and Quality Promotion Program for Mozambique: Competir com Qualidade (CcQ). It aims to enhance the country’s development level and the competitiveness of Mozambican products.

Enhancing the quality of water and food products in Mozambique

In 2012 UNIDO, with funds from the European Union and Government of Austria, launched the Private Sector and Quality Promotion Program for Mozambique: Competir com Qualidade (CcQ). It aims to enhance the country’s development level and the competitiveness of Mozambican products.

UNIDO helps Tunisian enterprises apply a resource efficiency and cleaner production approach

UNIDO’s project with the Swiss government assisted 80 companies assisted and 350 people trained including 60 unemployed youths to promote resource efficiency and cleaner production in Tunisia. This project (USD 3 million) is expected to generate benefits of USD 70 million for the Tunisian Society by 2030. La version française est disponible à l'adresse suivante:

Promoting industrial skills among young people through Learning and Knowledge Development Facility

The Learning and Knowledge Development Facility (LKDF) was set up to promote industrial skills among young people in developing countries. By supporting the establishment and upgrading of local technical vocational training centres in close partnership with the private sector through Public Private Development Partnerships (PPDPs), the LKDF helps to meet the market‘s increasing demand for skilled labour, while at the same time contributing to inclusive and sustainable industrial development.

Empowering females agribusiness workers in Mexico

UNIDO reduced the use of one of the ozone depletion substances used by agricultural businesses in Mexico. The alternative practice introduced by the UNIDO project promoted environmentally friendly techniques in three phases snice 1998, demonstration, technical assistance, and investment phases. Today, companies in the states of BAJA CALIFORNIA, BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR, SONORA, and COLIMA adopted this technique. In total 1700 people were trained, among which 700 were women.

Women's economic empowerment in the MENA region

The MENA region exhibits the world’s highest unemployment rate, with youth unemployment at approximately 25% and women unemployment of up to 40%. In international comparison, women entrepreneurship in the MENA region is extremely low - only approx. 12% of formal SMEs in the MENA region are female-owned. This low participation of women to the entrepreneurial activity of the region can be explained to a great extent by difficulties in accessing business support services and networks, by the very limited access to finance to start new businesses, the lack of education and training opportunities and by gender related constraints lying in the regulatory and legal framework. Yet, women’s entrepreneurship represents an untapped potential of growth. It is estimated that raising female employment to male levels could result in a 34% increase in GDP in some countries and that productivity could increase by 25% if discriminatory barriers against women were removed. Investing in women’s economic empowerment will help to sustain not only economic growth which is a driver of poverty reduction, but will enhance women social inclusion and integration to reduce gender inequalities, gaps and strengthen, as a consequence, women’s confidence, leadership and voice in the private and business sector.

UNIDO Tanzania Industrial Upgrading and Modernization Programme (Swahili)

The Tanzania Industrial Upgrading and Modernization Project (Tanzania IUMP) is the result of joint efforts of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIT) of Tanzania and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) to strengthen the supply-side capacity of the national manufacturing sector and to improve competitiveness of locally processed goods on national and international markets. Launched in 2012, the project is a component of the UN Country Development Framework for 2011-2015, which is in line with national developmental priorities and commitments. The objective of the Tanzania IUMP is to promote competitive industrial production, improve the quality and quantity of industrial output, and facilitate access to national, regional, and international markets for local manufacturing small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Tanzania IUMP has undertaken industrial diagnosis and upgrading of 19 enterprises operating in dairy, edible oil and food processing sectors and trained 50 national experts on industrial upgrading methodologies. Diary and edible oil enterprises received coaching on the implementation of upgrading plans developed by project-trained national experts. Within the period of 2012-2015 project beneficiary enterprises increased local sales by 38%, while two of the enterprises doubled their exports. Performance of enterprises was also improved through reduction in losses of seeds, oil in meal and milk during the processing, resulting in savings of US$ 1 million in total for all project beneficiary enterprises. For more information, please follow the link

Joseph Stiglitz interview

Nobel Prize winner in economics, Joseph Stiglitz in an exclusive interview with UNIDO, on sustainable industrialization, climate change and UNIDO's role in implementing the SDGs

Facilitating market access for typical food products

The project aims at improving performance, market access and socio-economic conditions of the Argan oil and the prickly pear value chains in Morocco, and the harissa (chili pepper paste), Fig of Djebba and prickly pear value chains in Tunisia. UNIDO strengthens the governance of these value chains, improving the productivity, quality compliance and product development of SMEs and small-scale rural producers, and enhancing their position in domestic and export markets. UNIDO also helps to ensure that products comply with the requirements of geographical indications and quality labels, in order to position them in higher niche markets and allow the producers to obtain a premium price and higher revenues. Special attention is placed on supporting women and producers from disadvantaged regions.

Fostering trade performance for inclusive growth and employment

The project aims at improving performance and market access, UNIDO supported public and private partners to implement a capacity-building programme for the adoption of international good practices through institutional and skills development in the above-mentioned sectors. The capacity of local quality infrastructure and services was also strengthened to better serve the country’s exporters and consumers through internationally recognized good practices.

A journey towards responsible gold in West Africa

UNIDO assists countries to manage and reduce mercury use, emissions and exposure in the ASGM communities through the creation of national strategic action plans; execution of mercury reduction/elimination projects; development of health education and technology training programmes; awareness raising on Fairmined certification and pre application for certification.

Second Donor Meeting

The Second Donor Meeting aimed to raise awareness about the effectiveness of UNIDO’s technical assistance interventions and the value for money that donors receive when paired with UNIDO’s expertise and services.

UNIDO Tanzania Industrial Upgrading and Modernization Programme

The Tanzania Industrial Upgrading and Modernization Project (Tanzania IUMP) is the result of joint efforts of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIT) of Tanzania and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) to strengthen the supply-side capacity of the national manufacturing sector and to improve competitiveness of locally processed goods on national and international markets. Launched in 2012, the project is a component of the UN Country Development Framework for 2011-2015, which is in line with national developmental priorities and commitments. The objective of the Tanzania IUMP is to promote competitive industrial production, improve the quality and quantity of industrial output, and facilitate access to national, regional, and international markets for local manufacturing small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Tanzania IUMP has undertaken industrial diagnosis and upgrading of 19 enterprises operating in dairy, edible oil and food processing sectors and trained 50 national experts on industrial upgrading methodologies. Diary and edible oil enterprises received coaching on the implementation of upgrading plans developed by project-trained national experts. Within the period of 2012-2015 project beneficiary enterprises increased local sales by 38%, while two of the enterprises doubled their exports. Performance of enterprises was also improved through reduction in losses of seeds, oil in meal and milk during the processing, resulting in savings of US$ 1 million in total for all project beneficiary enterprises. For more information, please follow the link

Women entrepreneurs: changing, for the better

Innovative forestry training in southern Africa.

Together with the private sector, UNIDO has designed and implemented innovative forestry training packages in southern Africa.

UNIDO helps Lebanon respond to the Syrian crisis

Lebanon has become the country hosting the highest number of displaced people per capita in the world due to the Syrian crisis. This creates new socioeconomic challenges in Lebanon, which has not fully recovered from previous crises itself. With the financial support of the Japanese government, and in partnership with the Lebanese Ministry of Industry UNIDO responds to the challenges, supporting the resilience of the Lebanese economy. The project focuses on SMEs in the Bekaa Valley.

Zambia - Renewable Energy

The construction of Shiwang’andu small hydro-power plant (SHP) benefits over 25,000 people, providing energy to power lights in houses, schools and hospitals and stimulating income-generating activities in rural communities that cannot be reached by the national grid. It is the first power plant built in Zambia since the 1970s, and is part of a renewable energy project implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP).

UNIDO’s Montreal Protocol Project in the Philippines

Sector Plan to Phase out HCFC-141b in the Foam Sector The objective of this project is, through technical assistance, to phase-out the total consumption of HCFC-141b in the foam manufacturing sector, and thereby assist the Philippines to comply with the phase-out deadlines of the Montreal Protocol.

UNIDO and the EU improve competitiveness of enterprises in Côte d’Ivoire

In 2010, the Government of Côte d’Ivoire and the European Union have signed an agreement for the implementation of the ‘’Programme d’Appui au Commerce et à l’Intégration Régionale’’ (PACIR). In the framework of this programme, UNIDO has been identified for the implementation of the project ‘’Amélioration de la compétitivité des entreprises de secteurs d’exportation non traditionnels’’, known as PACIR ONUDI, with the aim of improving the competitiveness of Ivorian enterprises, building the capacities of support institutions and developing an institutional incentive framework. This video presents the main achievements of the PACIR ONUDI.

UNIDO project aims at improving performance and market access in Tunisia and Morocco

UNIDO is implementing a project in Tunisia and Morocco with funding from the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) of the Swiss Government. Launched in 2013, the “Projet d’accès aux marchés des produits agroalimentaires et de terroir” (PAMPAT) aims at improving the performance, market access and socio-economic conditions of several value chains. In Tunisia, project activities focus on harissa, the Djebba fig and the prickly pear, while in Morocco the argan oil and prickly pear value chains in the central Souss-Massa-Drâa region have been selected. For more information about PAMPAT visit: and

The perfect cup: Boosting inclusive and sustainable industrial development in Burundi

As part of the project Trade Capacity Building for Burundi, launched in 2012, UNIDO in cooperation with EIF and NORAD target to improve the quality and sustainability of the coffee value chain in Burundi.

Improving the efficiency of the edible oil value chain in Ethiopia

Ethiopia has favorable agro-climatic conditions for the cultivation of oil seeds. Despite this potential, both oil seed production and the edible oil processing industry remain to a large extent underdeveloped. In 2010, a MDG-f joint program was launched to help improve the oil seeds processing efficiency and access to markets of relevant stakeholders. UNIDO is the lead agency implementing the programme, and is working together with FAO, ILO and a series of national counterparts which include the Ministry of Industry as the lead governmental institution, the Ministry of Agriculture as well as the Ministry of Labour & Social Affairs. More than 80 small scale edible oil processors across the country have already benefitted from the project. It has also strengthened numerous public and private institutions and improved the livelihoods of thousands of farmers and their families.

2013 Ozone Day celebration in Morocco -- French - French version

Edible oil value chain enhancement in Ethiopia

This MDG-f joint program helps improve the oil seeds processing efficiency and access to markets of relevant stakeholders. The programme is being implemented by UNIDO as the lead agency, FAO and ILO together with a series of national counterparts which include the Ministry of Industry as the lead governmental institution, the Ministry of Agriculture as well as the Ministry of Labour & Social Affairs.

Roraima Eco State Project

Phasing-out and eliminating PCBs and PCB-containing equipment

The GEF-funded UNIDO project in the FYR of Macedonia assists the country to comply with the PCB-related obligations under the Stockholm Convention and reduce releases of PCBs into the environment. Enhanced national capacity in the management of PCB-containing equipment and waste is being fostered through the establishment of an ESM system for the disposal of PCBs and PCB-containing equipment, including legislation and countrywide institutional and technical capacity-building.

Hunger relief in East Africa by producing soybean products

With the financial support of the Government of Japan, UNIDO developed this project to demonstrate the benefits that small-scale soybean processing and the consumption of soybean-based foods can bring to rural communities. Accordingly, UNIDO in collaboration with the Kenyan Government equipped three small soybean processing centres in Bungoma, Kisumu and Migori, areas that are suitable for soybean farming but also areas where malnutrition is common. The project provided training in soybean processing for the staff of the centers with the technical assistance of Japanese experts. Video by Simone Carneiro

Trade capacity-building programme for Ghana

Improving the local quality infrastructure to boost exports.

Zambia: gearing up for trade

Through this NORAD funded project Zambia is assisted firstly, in reviewing the overall National Quality Infrastructure (NQI), including the related legislation. Secondly, the upgrading of facilities of the NQI institutions such as the Zambia Bureau of Standards (ZABS) and the Zambia Weights and Measures Agency (ZWMA) under MCTI and the national testing laboratories to improve especially the food sector's ability to prove conformity and hence facilitate exports. Thirdly, the project will endeavour to strengthen the ability of selected sector enterprises to comply with international quality requirements.

UNIDO in China: sound management of medical waste (Chinese)

To reduce Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) from biomedical waste, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) has launched a project titled "Enviornmental sound management of medical waste in China".

UNIDO in China: eco-friendly refrigeration

Traditional refrigeration and air conditioning appliances are known to cause serious damage to the ozone layer due to the refrigerants they use -- among them, the chemical substance, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). The refrigerants can leak from the appliances, damaging the Earth's ozone layer. With technical support from UNIDO, Chinese companies participating in the project, like Zhejiang Huari Industry Investment Co., Ltd, located in the Hangzhen region, now use hydrocarbon technology - an organic compound consisting entirely of hydrogen and carbon, which is a natural refrigerant. Innovations have also been made to the traditional plastic foam, used for thermal insulation in refrigerators -- another polluting substance containing CFCs. Today, the company instead uses CFC-free cyclopentane. UNIDO has also assisted Chinese companies in redesigning compressors used for refrigeration as part of the phase-out of CFCs. Jiaxipera Company in Jiaxin now meets all international standards. The company has increased its production from 600,000 compressors in 1996 to over 4 million units in 2010.

UNIDO-SATECH II : securing future livelihoods in Malawi

The UNIDO-SATECH II project aims to secure the future livelihoods of poor, marginalized rural community members in Malawi and bolster their humanitarian and productivity deficit.

The Cleaner Production Centre of Serbia

The UNIDO cleaner production (CP) programme and network aims at building national CP capacities, fostering dialogue between industry and government and enhancing investments for transfer and development of environmentally sound technologies. Through this programme, UNIDO is bridging the gap between competitive industrial production andenvironmental concerns. The Serbian Cleaner Production Centre is part of UNIDO network of National Cleaner Production Centres.

UNIDO and the Montreal Protocol

Th e United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) became an implementing agency of the Montreal Protocol in 1992 and is proud to be associated with its success. Since then UNIDO has recognized the signifi cance of meeting the global environmental challenge of ozone depletion while observing national priorities, and of making meaningful technological adjustments resulting in a higher standard of living. UNIDO has particularly excelled in promoting innovative technologies based on ozone-friendly chemicals and clean manufacturing processes.

UNIDO-HP Partnership: Learning Initiative for Entrepreneurs (LIFE) training programme.

Since May 2008, UNIDO has been partnering with Hewlett Packard (HP), one of the world's largest technology companies, to implement a global programme for entrepreneurship and IT education. Together, UNIDO and HP equip aspiring and existing entrepreneurs in developing countries with hands-on business and IT skills to start, run and grow their enterprises. Building on the successful deployment of the "Graduate Entrepreneurship Training through IT" (GET-IT) programme in Africa and the Middle East, in 2010 the UNIDO-HP partnership reached a global coverage including Asia and Latin America. Today at the core of the partnership lies the global Learning Initiative for Entrepreneurs (LIFE) training programme which is available in several languages and covers selected topics in the areas of marketing, operations, communication and finance for different stages of entrepreneurship, from imagining to innovating.

Sudan - Fisheries

The following report was shown on the Ashrooq evening news cast on 20 Oct. 2011

The Business Environment Support and Trade Facilitation Project

The Mozambique Government, with funding from the European Union (EU) and support from UNIDO, set up the 3-year Business Environment Support and Trade Facilitati on Project (B.E.S.T.F.) in 2008 to assist Mozambique achieve substantial and lasting improvements to its business environment. Credits Project Manager: Bernardo Calzadilla Script: Simone Carneiro Camera: Simone Carneiro Edit: Simone Carneiro Voice-over: Gennie Johnson Thanks to: Lurdes Capelas and Francois Denner

Cocoa Bean Production in Nicaragua

In Nicaragua, UNIDO helps farmers in hurricane-devastated areas get back on their feet. By introducing the cocoa bean processing, farmers not only have a new crop to make a living, but also form cooperatives, increase production and food security, and obtain know-how on cluster development and networking. Produced by Tono Media

Trade Capacity-Building for Ghana Programme

Trade Capacity-Building for Ghana Programme. Credits: Project Manager: Juan Pablo Davila Script: Simone Carneiro / Juan Pablo Davila Camera: Simone Carneiro Edit: Simone Carneiro Music: Mike Hanny

Water Matters

Reduction of Environmental Threats Project in Bangladesh

Safety Matters

Enhancing Safety Standards in Bangladesh Leather Industry

Environment Matters

Benefits of the Re-Tie Project in Bangladesh

Energy Matters

Benefits of the Re-Tie project in Bangladesh

The Guinea Current Large Marine Ecosystem Project

The Guinea Current Large Marine Ecosystem Project, funded by GEF and executed by UNIDO.

The Guinea Current Large Marine Ecosystem Project

The Guinea Current Large Marine Ecosystem Project, funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and executed by UNIDO

Supporting Creative Industries in China

In October 2010, artisans and entrepreneurs learned innovation, design and business development skills through a Creative Industry Sector Development Workshop in Leishan, Guizhou Province organized by UNIDO and SEAC. The participants were artisans; all from ethnic minorities in China.

Making Private Standards Work for You

The United Nations agency tasked with promoting industrial development has launched a new guidebook on private standards for exporters in developing countries working in the garments, footwear and furniture sectors to help them access global production and supply chains. The publication by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), "Making private standards work for you: A guide to private standards in the garments, footwear and furniture sectors", outlines a strategic approach for suppliers in developing countries.

UNIDO and the MDGs - Morocco

UNIDO and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Morocco

UNIDO and the MDGs - Mozambique

UNIDO and the Millennium Development Goals, Mozambique

UNIDO and the MDGs - Sri Lanka

UNIDO and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Sri Lanka

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