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The country’s potential

There is significant potential for renewable energy in Tunisia, especially wind and solar photovoltaics. Despite recent progress in the expansion of renewable energy generation, the share of renewables in Tunisia's electricity mix is still relatively low, at around 3%.

Industrial processes are one of the largest energy consumers in Tunisia, approximately 30% of total national consumption, which translates into high emissions of CO2. This factor and an excellent renewable energy potential create the opportunity for green hydrogen. Green hydrogen could help the country decarbonize its industries, such as the metallurgical, ceramic and glass sectors, but also others.

According to a GIZ study on the opportunities for green hydrogen technologies in Tunisia (2021), the country has favourable conditions to attract capital investments for new industries while at the same time reducing the country's import dependence on such commodities as ammonia and methanol.

Our partners in the country

National: Tunisian Ministries of Industry, Mines and Energy; of Environment; and of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries; H2Ghub; UTICA; STEG; ONAS; Groupe Chimique, A.T.E.R, GIZ - Tunisia (among others)

International: TU Graz, TU Wien, HyCenta, ENIT, ENIM, Verbund; ILF; OMV; GIS Aqua; Austrian BMK (Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology)2

Aim and focus of our intervention

UNIDO seeks to support the country in building institutional and technical capacity & skills to accelerate the uptake of green hydrogen and derivatives in Tunisia.


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30 October 2023 Events
Energy & Infrastructure Working Group
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4 August 2023 News
Accelerating decarbonization and just transition with renewable hydrogen and derivatives
GOA - A truly global hydrogen economy will play a key role in supporting sustainable economic growth in emerging markets and transition economies and facilitating supply diversification for importing regions while accelerating decarbonisation. As we move from strategies and announcements to implementation on the ground, UNIDO and Hydrogen Council advance close cooperation to help unlocking environmental and socio-economic benefits of renewable hydrogen and derivatives internationally.UNIDO and Hydrogen Council signed a Joint Declaration on 18 July on the side-lines of G20/CEM14 in Goa, India, reinforcing ongoing strong collaboration, in particular, on   Advancing public-private dialogue between decision-makers and CEOs in the framework of the International Hydrogen Trade Forum and support the Forum activities, including with the Hydrogen Council insights;Assessing and identifying best practices in maximizing social value of the hydrogen economy in the emerging markets and developing countries, through the SDG Roadmap for Hydrogen;Supporting the development of global standards for hydrogen, in particular, ISO standard methodology for GHG emissions assessment of hydrogen production, conditioning and transport developed by ISO TC197/SC1, as well as capacity building for developing countries to enhance their contributions to and participation in global standard development.“Low-emissions hydrogen will help drive net-zero economic development in the Global South. Cooperating with the private sector is key, and we are confident that through our partnership with the Hydrogen Council we are well equipped to respond to any challenges involved. Together we will develop tangible projects that contribute to a just energy transition leaving no country behind<" said Gerd Müller, Director General of UNIDO.“Creating in-country value and boosting green growth in prospective exporting regions in developing countries is crucial for both the industry and the importing regions seeking to diversify their supplies in hydrogen and derivatives going forward. Unlocking social value of hydrogen is integral to the organisational identities of the Hydrogen Council and UNIDO and we are excited to be moving ahead with implementation of a number of joint initiatives,” said Daryl Wilson, Executive Director of Hydrogen Council.About UNIDOThe United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations with a unique mandate to promote, dynamize and accelerate sustainable industrial development. The mandate of UNIDO is reflected in Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 9: “Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation”, but UNIDO’s activities contribute to all the SDGs.  UNIDO's mission is to drive economic growth, reduce inequality, and address climate challenges by supporting developing countries and economies in transition in achieving sustainable industrial development and economic transformation, and to create new, decent jobs.For more information about UNIDO, please visit and follow us on:Twitter @UNIDO  LinkedIn Facebook Instagram  Flickr  YouTubeAbout the Hydrogen CouncilThe Hydrogen Council is a global CEO-led initiative that brings together leading companies with a united vision and long-term ambition for hydrogen to foster the clean energy transition.The Council understands that hydrogen has a key role to play in reaching global decarbonization goals by helping to diversify energy sources worldwide, to foster business and technological innovation as drivers for long-term economic growth, and to decarbonize especially hard-to-abate industrial sectors.To find out more visit and follow us on Twitter @HydrogenCouncil and LinkedIn.Media EnquiriesFor more information, please contact UNIDO at and/or the Hydrogen Council at  
14 March 2023 News
Tunisia, Austria and UNIDO advance long-term collaboration on green hydrogen
TUNIS - More than 80 Tunisian and Austrian stakeholders, with 30 percent of women representation, gathered in a technical workshop on green hydrogen and water-related impacts. The event was co-organized by UNIDO in cooperation with the Austrian Ministry of Climate Action (BMK) to discuss future collaboration and projects in hydrogen between Tunisia and Austria. As with other European countries with a strong industrial sector, Austria is prepared to invest in cutting-edge and climate-neutral technologies for green steel and chemicals, and to minimize their carbon footprint. Achieving decarbonization objectives require vast quantities of green hydrogen and green electricity, which requires large investments, along with the development of transport infrastructure/trade corridors and collaborative partnerships. Specifics of the Austrian hydrogen strategy and climate commitments were presented by a representative of the BMK. Whereas, the Tunisian strategy, currently under development was introduced by a representative of the Tunisian Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy who stressed challenges, such as water scarcity in Tunisia.Tunisia's strategic geographic location, vast renewable energy potential, and stable political situation are excellent conditions for the country to become a producer of green hydrogen, both for internal and external markets. Green hydrogen production can help decarbonize Tunisian metallurgical, ceramic and glass sectors; and create new sustainable industries such as fertilizers based on green ammonia. It also has the potential to become a catalyst to meet Central Europe's, including Austria's hydrogen needs across industries, transportation, and energy. Participants discussed that the current gas corridor between North Africa and Southern Europe can be repurposed to transport large quantities of cost-competitive green hydrogen from Tunisia through Italy to central Europe, including Austria leveraging existing gas infrastructure.The discussions pointed out that:It is fundamental to take into consideration and understand how green hydrogen can be integrated into the country’s renewable energy portfolio and be deployed in industries. Green hydrogen production should not absorb renewable electricity capacities, thereby, decelerating domestic energy transition.Green hydrogen market development opens new opportunities for developed and developing countries. To succeed, the existing market barriers must be addressed. These include the lack of coordination, skills and competencies, financing and investment mechanisms, policies, and regulations.
7 July 2021 News
Launch of the International Hydrogen Energy Centre (IHEC)
VIENNA, 7 July 2021 – The launch and inauguration of the International Hydrogen Energy Centre (IHEC), a key knowledge partner for the UNIDO Global Programme for Green Hydrogen in Industry, was held virtually.“The new Centre is an important milestone on the road towards placing hydrogen at the heart of sustainable development”, said Director of Energy, Tareq Emtairah on behalf of UNIDO Director General LI Yong in the opening remarks. “IHEC will undertake partnership and technical cooperation activities while disseminating its best practices and knowledge through UNIDO’s extensive network of international and national offices, centres and projects”.The IHEC aims to achieve technological breakthroughs and play a strategic role in helping develop the global hydrogen energy industry by promoting best practices through south-south, triangular and regional cooperation; by carrying out technology research, development and application; and by supporting capacity building towards enhancing green hydrogen economies.“UNIDO and the Government of China recognize the crucial role that hydrogen can play in the future energy system”, said UNIDO Senior Technical Advisor and Project Manager LIU Heng. “They understood the urgent need to promote Hydrogen technology to make it more scalable, inclusive and affordable globally. The IHEC will therefore work with different stakeholders, including governments, private sector and SMEs, R&D institutions, business and industry associations”.The IHEC was inaugurated by ZHANG Yi, Deputy Director General of China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges, Ministry of Commerce (CICETE); JIANG Guangzhi, Deputy Director General of Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information; Ma Jian, Deputy Representative of UNIDO Regional Office in Beijing and JIN Qinxian, Director of Beijing Tsinghua Industrial Research and Development Institute.For more information about the Centre, please contact:LIU HengSenior Technical AdvisorDepartment of Energy, UNIDOEmailEmail