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Green Hydrogen Industrial Clusters

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Our Mission in this field

We are dedicated to supporting developing countries in accelerating the application of locally produced green hydrogen in industrial zones, clusters and parks.
We are striving to guide governments and industries in developing countries in the preparation, implementation and upscaling of green hydrogen industrial clusters.

Countries with abundant renewable energy resources have an opportunity to develop promising new industrial systems or to decarbonize existing industries with on green hydrogen and renewable energy. Development of Green Hydrogen Industrial Clusters could be a good strategy for enabling the industrial decarbonisation and development in environmentally sustainable and socially responsible manner.

UNIDO defines green hydrogen industrial clusters (GHIC) as industrial regions or clusters that share green hydrogen (production, transport and use) and renewable energy electricity, in addition to other resources, for different purposes including material production, heating and cooling, local mobility and industrial feedstock. Such clusters are characterized by internal linkages enabling cooperation, specialized expertise, services, resources, suppliers and skills, and further generate various advantages among the participants, including the distribution of the investment and mitigation of risks. Green hydrogen industrial clusters can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote investment, create employment and foster economic growth that is environmentally sustainable and socially responsible.

As a key element of the programme, UNIDO developed a model for “green hydrogen industrial clusters”. This model aims to accelerate the application of locally produced green hydrogen in industrial zones, clusters and parks. Its aim is to serve as a replicable model through which countries Our mission in this field:  We are dedicated to supporting developing countries in accelerating the application of locally produced green hydrogen in industrial zones, clusters and parks.

We are striving to guide governments and industries in developing countries in the preparation, implementation and upscaling of green hydrogen industrial clusters. news articles publication can deploy green hydrogen technologies to achieve their emissions reductions and industrial production goals as well as to generate economic and social opportunities. This requires significant amounts of green hydrogen and coordination among the stakeholders within the clusters. The model provides guidance for governments and industries in the preparation, implementation and upscaling of green hydrogen industrial clusters.

UNIDO developed the model taking into consideration its extensive experience on industrial cluster models and projects, including the Eco Industrial Parks, Integrated Agro-Industrial Parks, and Sustainable Industrial Parks projects, as well as resource efficiency and cleaner production initiatives including the National Cleaner Production Centres. The model is also based on an exhaustive analysis of 20 different hydrogen and renewable energy clusters and valleys.

In this focus area, UNIDO provides support on the global as well as regional & national levels:

Publication and online sharing of knowledge products.

National/Regional workshops on the guidelines: 9 countries to be confirmed.

Piloting of the model as part of child projects of the global clean hydrogen program in participating countries (countries tbd).


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1 August 2023 Publication
GH2 Industrial Guidelines
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) supports member states in their efforts towards inclusive and sustainable industrial development and is committed to taking the lead in promoting an inclusive energy transition.With its long-standing experience in renewable energy projects and the application of clean energy technologies in industry, UNIDO successfully collaborates with a wide range of partners globally supporting industries in their pathway to net-zero emissions.
8 November 2022 News
IRENA and UNIDO support a global energy transition through green hydrogen
SHARM EL-SHEIKH, 8 November 2022 – Francesco La Camera, Director General of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), and Gerd Müller, Director General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), have signed a joint declaration on advancing sustainable energy through the fundamental role of green hydrogen.In their statement made at the UN Climate Change Conference COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, both organizations’ heads declared they would jointly advance the transition towards sustainable energy through green hydrogen in pursuit of access to energy, energy security and economic development.Furthermore, IRENA and UNIDO intend to leverage international cooperation as an enabling platform to facilitate investment, policies and clean technology to accelerate inclusive and sustainable industrial development in alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.