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Clean energy access for productive use

Sustainable conversion of waste to clean energy for greenhouse gas(GHG) emissions reduction in Kenya

Promotion of energy-efficient industrial boiler practices in Vietnam

Promotion of energy-efficient industrial boiler practices in Vietnam

Gender and Energy Compact

Gender and Energy Compact

CTCN supporting women energy entrepreneurs in West Africa

CTCN supporting women energy entrepreneurs in West Africa

CTCN overview

CTCN overview

CTCN: 6 Steps towards successful cleantech transfer

CTCN: 6 Steps towards successful cleantech transfer

UNIDO Global Call for innovative solutions in cleantech and sustainable land management

Developing Cambodia’s biogas technology for rural electrification and greenhouse gas mitigation

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), in close collaboration with the Biogas Institute of China’s Ministry of Agriculture, the Rural Affairs (BIOMA) and the UNIDO Center for South-South Industrial Cooperation (UCSSIC), are helping promote commercial biogas plants in Cambodia . The project that aims to increase rural electrification and energy access, and also mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Biomass energy for the Albanian olive oil sector

UNIDO is promoting the increase use of biomass in the olive oil industry through technical assistance and demonstrated use of modern bioenergy technologies, capacity building and policy support in Albania. The project is funded by the GEF and implemented in close collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and Environment.

PFAN: Green Village Electricy short version

PFAN: Green Village Electricy

PFAN: Green Village Electricy

PFAN: Green Village Electricy

PFAN: Green Energy and Biofuel short version

PFAN: Green Energy and Biofuel

PFAN: Energy and Biofuel

PFAN: Energy and Biofuel

CTCN Video Senegal

The Senegalese government contacted the United Nation's Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN), to assist with introducing innovative technologies - to help local industry implement energy efficient solutions - and maximize recycling of valorise waste and bi-products - while at the same time improving competitiveness and productivity. The Centre facilitates access to quick and practical expertise on climate technologies through its worldwide network of technology experts. Through the Centre, developing countries can access support to achieve their objectives, from identifying technology needs, to implementing technologies and catalysing finance in order to scale up meaningful solutions.

Mitigating climate change in Morocco

As efforts to mitigate climate change become ever more critical, the Industrial Energy Accelerator is calling for policymakers and the private sector to embrace the numerous economic and environmental benefits that industrial energy efficiency provides. We envision a future where efficient industrial energy consumption can be part of the climate solution, provide new employment opportunities and drastically improve productivity while reducing costs for business.

ECOWAS Renewable Energy Facility EREF

The following video showcases some of the results and impacts of the ECOWAS Renewable Energy Facility (EREF) for peri-urban and rural areas. The EREF is an interesting example showcasing the benefits of regional cooperation within the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centers (GN-SEC). In 2011 the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) created the Facility with technical assistance of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and financial support of the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), the Spanish Agency for International Development (AECID) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Global Cleantech Innovation Programme Maroc

Le GCIP Maroc vise à promouvoir l’innovation en matière de technologies propres ainsi que la création d’emplois verts. Pour en savoir plus au sujet de GCIP:

Renewable Energy and Efficiency in Ukraine

The project initiated by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF), aims to develop a market environment for scaling up energy efficiencies and enhanced use of renewable energy technologies for fuel switching in the energy intensive manufacturing small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Ukraine. This serves as a basis for promoting their competitiveness while ensuring an integrated approach for lower carbon intensity and improvement in the local environment.

Using the “internet of things” to mainstream geothermal energy production in Africa

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is partnering with the Government of Japan to improve the efficiency of geothermal electricity production in East Africa. The plan is to install sensors in geothermal power generation facilities, which will detect temperature and vibrations. The data will be analyzed by computers in order to increase the plants’ efficiency. The technology allows companies to remotely monitor and manage the production and distribution of energy in real time.

UNIDO Small Hydropower Plants Tanzania

Global Cleantech Innovation Programme: Morocco

Today’s clean technology innovations will fuel the next industrial revolution, unlocking business opportunities for prosperity, while protecting the planet. “The Global Cleantech Innovation Programme (GCIP) seeks to foster a clean technology innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem in our partner countries. We recognize the power of transformative technologies in accelerating the transition to an economically and environmentally sustainable future. Our vision is to identity and support technologies that have this catalytic potential.” Find out more about GCIP here:

Solar thermal energy in Moldova

Enhancing the local manufacturing capacity of solar thermal energy systems in the Republic of Moldova

Promoting Sustainable Energy Solutions and Clean Technologies in CIS Countries

The First Regional Conference on Sustainable Industrial Development: “Promoting Sustainable Energy Solutions and Clean Technologies in CIS Countries” will take place from 22 to 23 November 2017 in the C-Building of the Vienna International Centre (VIC), Conference Room C4 (7th floor) in Vienna, Austria. The event is organized by UNIDO with financial support from the Russian Federation. Find out more about the event here:

The UNIDO LCET Programme

Low-carbon low-emission technologies (LCETs) have emerged as potential solutions that can simultaneously address three key global challenges of energy poverty, jobs creation and climate change. UNIDO and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (METI) are implementing a collaborative global programme to promote the rapid deployment and dissemination of LCETs through demonstration projects, capacity-building and knowledge management.

UNIDO supports development of small hydro power plants in Nigeria

UNIDO supports development of small hydro power plants in Nigeria.

Creation of renewable energy-based mini-grid industries in Guinea-Bissau - EN

Installation of 312 kw PV mini-grid hybrid system at Bambadinca Sta Claro, Guinea Bissau. The GEF project "Promoting Renewable Energy Investments in the Electricity Sector of Guinea Bissau" supports the development of an industrial renewable energy policy and action plan. It is implemented by UNIDO in close cooperation with the Ministry of Energy and Industry, the Ministry of Natural Resources, under the umbrella of the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) and TESE; also promoted by SIDS DOCK. The project addresses the existing energy challenges of the country by promoting renewable energy investments in the electricity sector.

Clean, sustainable energy for remote rural areas in Côte d'Ivoire

Cote d’Ivoire is a country rich in natural resources. After a period of instability it is once again industrializing fast. Small-scale solar projects bring clean, affordable and sustainable power to the whole country so everyone can share the benefits of industrialization. Seven solar power stations have been built across the Zanzan region. The reliable and affordable electricity they supply encourages villagers to set up small businesses. Behind the project is UNIDO, the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation, working with the European Union, the government of Cote d’Ivoire, the Global Environment Fund and local NGO the Akwaba Foundation. Produced by: LINX Productions

Global Network of Sustainable Energy Centres - short version

The United Nations Industrial Development Organisation's (UNIDO) mandate is to promote and accelerate sustainable and inclusive industrial development in developing countries and countries in transition. The Climate Policy and Networks Unit (CPN) of the Energy Branch (ENE) is supporting countries in the development and execution of innovative regional programs, projects and multi-stakeholder partnerships in the sustainable energy and climate resilience sector. CPN coordinates the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centres (GN-SEC) in cooperation with regional economic communities and organizations. The expanding South-South multi-stakeholder partnership comprises various centres in Africa, the Caribbean, the Pacific and other regions. The Centres respond to the urgent need for increased regional cooperation and capacities to mitigate existing barriers to renewable energy and energy efficiency investment and markets. They enjoy high-level support from the Energy Ministers and respond to the individual needs of the respective national governments. The Centres complement and strengthen ongoing national activities in the areas of policy and capacity development, knowledge management and awareness-raising, as well as investment and business promotion. There is a common understanding that some “soft barriers” for RE&EE can be addressed more effectively and at a lower cost through regional approaches and methodologies. UNIDO provides key technical services for the establishment and operation of such regional Centres. The network offers a common umbrella for promoting south-south cooperation. Further information is available at

The UNIDO Energy Programme (long version)

Sustainable energy is the golden thread that connects economic and social development whit an environmental sustainability that allows the world to flourish. UNIDO seeks to promote sustainable energy solutions in moving towards building ‘Climate Resilient Industries.’ UNIDO promotes sustainable energy solutions to assist industry in reducing their energy consumption, as well as using clean renewable energy in the most efficient manner for the enhancement of industrial competitiveness and productivity, while mainstreaming gender and increasing employment opportunities.

Renewable energy for productive activities and security in Chad

In Chad, less than five per cent of the population has access to electricity. Outside urban areas, it’s practically zero. Without a generator fuelled by diesel, there’s no chance of getting power. Emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from fossil fuels are contributing to climate change and cause widespread harm to lives, communities, infrastructure, institutions and budgets. UNIDO is playing a lead role in assisting Chad. Working with its partners, UNIDO has built solar power stations in three different parts of the country, serving three different groups of beneficiaries. Produced by: LINX Productions

Zambia - Renewable Energy

The construction of Shiwang’andu small hydro-power plant (SHP) benefits over 25,000 people, providing energy to power lights in houses, schools and hospitals and stimulating income-generating activities in rural communities that cannot be reached by the national grid. It is the first power plant built in Zambia since the 1970s, and is part of a renewable energy project implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP).

Gore, Gisele Bundchen and Yumkella on Energy for All

Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore, fashion icon Gisele Bundchen, and Kandeh K. Yumkella, the Director General of the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), voice their support for the Sustainable Energy for All Initiative launched by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in a message being aired on CNN from 25 February to 24 March 2013. Gisele Bundchen is also the Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The Sustainable Energy for All Initiative aims to achieve by 2030 three inter-linked global targets: universal access to modern energy services; the doubling of energy efficiency; and the doubling of the share of renewable energy in the world's energy mix. In September 2012, Yumkella was appointed Special Representative for Sustainable Energy for All and chief executive of the initiative, responsible for planning and implementation of the initiative. World Bank President, Jim Yong Kim, and Secretary-General Ban co-chair the initiative's newly formed Advisory Board.

UNIDO Goodwill Ambassador Marcos Pontes on Sustainable Energy for All

Message from UNIDO Goodwill Ambassador Marcos Pontes on Sustainable Energy for All. Edited by Simone Carneiro

Small Hydro Energy for Africa

Small Hydro Energy for Africa - the Sierra Leone Case UNIDO helps Africa utilize its natural resources in order to produce sustainable energy in remote rural areas. This site in Sierra Leone is part of the Bankasoka river and is one of the locations where the construction of a mini hydro plant should begin later this year. The river - even during the dry season, has the capacity to produce 3 megawatts of renewable energy, according to international research and engineering teams. The location, through which the river flows is a major agricultural area in the North of the country.

UNIDO Director-General on Sustainable Energy for All

Dr. Kandeh K. Yumkella, UNIDO Director-General, on Sustainable Energy for All Initiative. The Sustainable Energy for All initiative was launched by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. The initiative aims to achieve by 2030 three inter-linked global targets: universal access to modern energy services; the doubling of energy efficiency; and the doubling of the share of renewable energy in the world's energy supply. Improving industrial energy efficiency is key to sustainable industrial development worldwide but especially in the rapidly developing countries of the Global South. It will help realize the global green economy and green industries. Investing in energy-efficient technologies, systems, processes, training and upgrading of skills must underpin low-carbon green growth, according to UNIDO's Director-General Kandeh Yumkella.

Energy Matters

Benefits of the Re-Tie project in Bangladesh

Small hydro: electricity for remote rural Areas in Rwanda

UNIDO Small Hydro Plants Provide Electricity for Thousands in Remote Rural Areas in Rwanda. Produced by Linx Productions Broadcasted by: Reuters Africa Journal

Brazil Renewable Energy May 2008

Brazil Renewable Energy May 2008

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